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Yuna...we miss you
so much

In loving memory of her, we help the helpless so we can make the world a better place for all


“When you are harvesting in your field and you overlook a sheaf, do not go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.”

Deuteronomy 24:19

The Yuna Foundation was established to honor and preserve the legacy of our beloved Yuna, whom we miss dearly. Yuna always said: "Jesus is the Boss", and we believe following our Boss' command is the best way to honor Yuna's short life and carry on her spirit forever.

Yuna Chi was born in Irvine, California in 2011. She was a happy girl, loved by her mother, father, and older brother Eugene. She always loved wearing skirts even when the days were cold, and pink was her favorite color. She loved the color pink so much that one day she burst into tears when I stopped her from trying to paint our white minivan pink with her colored pens. She was a star performer in her kindergarten, and always loved going to church. Even on the last day of her life, she said, "Jesus is the Boss!"

On the sunny summer day of July 2nd, 2017, she was invited to a pool party. Unfortunately, I made a very unwise decision and left Yuna in the care of others ... a decision that would prove fatal for Yuna. My decision has led to my entire family suffering for the rest of our lives.


However, we decided not to press charges against anyone who was there on that day. Though there have been no apologies from those who were responsible for Yuna's wellbeing and safety, we decided to move forward and not let Yuna's death be in vain. We believe God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. God did not promise us an easy or a good life. But He promised He would give us the peace of God which transcends all understanding.


We set up The Yuna Foundation to help those in need until the day we are called to join Yuna in heaven. We truly hope that God blesses our activities and that He is glorified through them. We won't be afraid of what will come next when our life is over, as we believe that's when we will reunite with Yuna and live together forevermore in Heaven.


​Mike Chi, Seran Park and Eugene Chi



You keep track of all my sorrows

You have collected all my tears in your bottle

You have recorded each one in your book

Psalm 56:8

Who was Yuna and what happened to her?


Peru mission trip (2017)

Support Yana Program (2021~)

Vietnam (2019)

Yuna's Happy Ground program at DongMyung (2022~)

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