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  • Writer's pictureMike S Chi

Will our resurrection be physical?

July 2nd was Yuna’s 5th year anniversary. Though five years have passed since she left us in 2017, the pain and suffering from her sudden death still remain as if it happened yesterday. The trauma from the sudden and unexpected death of Yuna was so enormous that our family’s life has upended beyond everyone’s comprehension. This does not mean we could have better dealt with the situation like this if we had known this would have happened. Nobody can be prepared for something like this.

<The skies were so beautiful and that made us even sadder. Nothing is more emotionally devastating than decorating your child's grave>

On the anniversary day, I shared some of the bible verses about Jesus’ resurrection and how we would reunite with Yuna not just spiritually but also physically through our bodily resurrection. Some of the attendees were obviously puzzled by the concept of the bodily resurrection and asked if I was somewhat misinterpreting the Bible. As I had been expecting to have this kind of reaction from some of them, it did not come as a surprise and I was able to give answers. Every Easter, we hear these messages about the resurrection of Jesus and how we would be resurrected with Him when he returns to earth to judge all mankind. However, we never think seriously about the meaning of our bodily resurrection probably partly because we don’t care whether we will be bodily resurrected or not as long as we are saved or just don't pay much attention to the significance of it. We, humans, tend to hear what we want to hear and interpret things the way we want to interpret them.

These would probably be the kind of responses you’d receive if you talk about the significance of the bodily resurrections of the believers. “I understand Jesus was resurrected in his body but why do we need to be resurrected in our bodies too?”, “I never thought about the bodily resurrection. I guess what matters most is to be saved. Why would I need the bodily resurrection as long as I am in heaven?” or “I believe in the spiritual resurrection, not the bodily one. Are you following some sort of cult?”

When you get suspicious looks from those around you (even to be condemned or suspected to follow some cult), the best way to help them overcome their unbelief (like the father of a boy who had been possessed by an impure spirit in Luke 9) would probably be to share the bible verses that can back up your story or messages from well-respected pastors or bible scholars.

Then what does the bible say about Christ's resurrection? After rising from the dead, Jesus ate with the disciples just like we humans do and allowed his disciples to touch his body. In Luke 24:39, Jesus said

“Look at my hands and my feet. It is myself. Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”

Luke 24:39 (NIV)

Most of us would not have a problem accepting Jesus' bodily resurrection. After all, he is Jesus who performed numerous miracles and is the son of God. However, when we are asked these two questions, many of us will struggle to give the right answers to those asking. Why did Jesus have to resurrect in his body? Will we also be resurrected in our bodies?

I want to share my thoughts on these in my next post.

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